Journey to Bethlehem – week 1 – God made everything good

This half term at toddler group we are going to take a Journey to Bethlehem. Each week the Bible story will be a simple retelling of a key event on that journey for the children. The plan is to put the stories in the context of The Big Story for the adults.

So we start with creation and everything being made good. Next week the fall and things no longer being good and then onwards to Jesus being born. God’s saviour sent for us.

The order will be

Creation, Fall, Noah, God’s promise to Abraham (through you all the families of the world will be blessed), angel visiting Mary, birth of Jesus, visit of the Shepherds.

So this week the story is going to be told using an idea that I found here – It Happens in a Blink.


Here’s some of the paper plates in close up. I had a lot of fun making them. You need sturdy paper plates! I decided not to have a blank plate for day seven. I did see an idea that included lots of zzzz for resting but God didn’t go to sleep he just stopped making because everything was complete and perfect. He doesn’t need to rest in the way that we do. He never slumbers or sleeps 🙂


As I tell the story we will count the days together and name what we can see on the plates. After each day we will say ‘it was all very good’ and do a thumbs up. This will be our action for this weeks story. Next week it will be thumbs down to represent the way that everything was no longer good and perfect.

I’m looking forward to going on this journey to Bethlehem. You can find all the stories in this series here on the blog with a different paper plate for each story. (You will see that the snake is not a paper plate – but if you don’t have a pre cut spiral a paper plate would be fine. Just decorate and then cut into a spiral shape) The links are with each picture.


Week One – Creation
Week Two – The Fall
Week Three – Abraham
Week Four – The Angel visits Mary
Week Five – Jesus is born
Week Six – The Shepherds find Jesus

6 thoughts on “Journey to Bethlehem – week 1 – God made everything good

  1. I like the bird and fish!
    I agree about not using Zzzzz for rest! When we did creation pictuyres we just used lots of glitter to make 7 special.

  2. Thank you for the idea. I had great fun making my own set of plates adapted from your pictures and used them to tell the Creation story at Broadmead Toddler Group this morning.

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