The Prodigal Son – Stories Jesus Told

This is one of the stories that Jesus told about the lost and the found. The younger son wants his money and spends the lot. He ends up feeding the pigs and comes to his senses. But when he goes home he is welcomed by his father. This son was lost but now is found!… Read More The Prodigal Son – Stories Jesus Told

frogs in the bed..!

Bible story from Exodus 8. This is part of our series of stories about animals in the Bible. Meet the main characters – Moses, Pharoah and frogs! Moses was the leader of God’s people. God’s people lived in Egypt. They were very sad (can you look sad). Everyday they had to make bricks. they made… Read More frogs in the bed..!

Springwatch inspired song!

A new song to a well known tune – always a safe combination. The tune is ‘the wheels on the bus’. The song is about these guys. As you can see, I’ve been watching Springwatch. The owl in the garden goes twit, twit, twoo, twit, twit, twoo, twit, twit, twoo The owl in the garden… Read More Springwatch inspired song!

Samson and the bumble bees.

We’ve been doing a few Bible stories at toddler group on the theme of ‘animals in the Bible’. We started with Jonah and have done the ravens feeding Elijah. Then we had a story about camels and today we thought about bees. ( I know they aren’t animals but I think it’s ok to be… Read More Samson and the bumble bees.